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  • More than 40 years of experience
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All crimp terminal accessories

In addition to a broad crimp terminals assortment we also offer accessories for crimp terminals:

  • Fuseholders, for protecting electrical installations from damage due to high voltage
  • Quick splice connectors, for splitting existing wires
  • Assortment boxes, so that you always have the right type of heat shrink tubing at hand
  • Crimp tools for crimp terminals, to easily and quickly install crimp terminals

Do you have questions about one of our products? Our advisors are happy to help.

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8 products

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  1. A WKK crimp tool for insulated and uninsulated bootlace ferrules and terminals on a white background
    WKK - Terminal crimp tool with 3 interchangeable profiles - for ferrules, insulated terminals and non-insulated terminals
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  2. A WKK crimp tool for uninsulated terminals on a white background
    WKK - Terminal crimp tool - For non-insulated terminals from 0.5 - 16mm²
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  3. Twee blauwe zekeringhouders, één geopend afgebeeld en één dicht afgebeeld, op een witte achtergrond.
    WKK - Fuseholders - 1,5 ~ 2,5mm² - Blue - 200 pieces
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  4. A red, a blue and a yellow quick splice connector, on a white background.
    WKK - Quick splice connectors
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  5. Een zwart-blauwe kabelschoen krimptang van carbon staal, voor geïsoleerde kabelschoenen van 0,5-6mm², op een witte achtergrond.
    WKK - Crimp tool for crimp terminals - Carbon steel - For insulated crimp terminals of 0,5 – 6,0 mm²
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  6. A steel crimp tool for crimp terminals, with a black grip, for insulated crimp terminals of 0,5-6mm², on a white background.
    WKK - Crimp tool for crimp terminals - Steel - For insulated crimp terminals of 0,5 – 6,0 mm²
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  7. An opened assortment box containing crimp terminals, 261 pieces, with a black-blue colored crimping tool for crimp terminals in front of the assortment box.
    WKK - Assortment crimp terminals with crimp tool (261 pieces)
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  8. Een transparante assortimentsdoos met kabelschoenen met krimpkous, 110-delig, met kabelschoenen in de kleuren blauw, wit en geel.
    WKK - Assortment heat shrink crimp terminals (110 pieces)
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